Apply New Nirsal Loan ( Nirsal Risk Guaranteed
Apply New Nirsal Loan ( Nirsal Risk Guaranteed)
About Nirsal Risk Guarantee
The NIRSAL Credit Risk Guarantee (CRG) is the core service provided by NIRSAL Plc. The CRG is an instrument issued to protect financiers and investors from possible losses in a finance/credit transaction through a risk sharing arrangement under which NIRSAL indemnifies the lender or investor of the Principal and accrued Interest to the limit of a pre-agreed CRG rate.
The offer of the NIRSAL CRG serves as a comfort to financiers and investors, encouraging them to lend to the agribusiness.
The Categories Of Nirsal Risk Gurantee Loan
1:. Smallholder/scale Farmers and Farmer
Groups.- In This loan Category the Nirsal agreed to give the benificiary who apply for this categories a Single Obligor Limit - ₦5Million CRG Cover - 75% of the loa
2:. Coperative
In This loan Category the Nirsal agreed to give the benificiary who apply for this categories will e entitle of getting a
Single Obligor Limit - ₦50Million
CRG Cover - 75% of the loan.
3:. Large Scale Primary Producers
In This loan Category the Nirsal agreed to give the benificiary who apply for this categories will e entitle of getting a
Single Obligor Limit - ₦2Billion
CRG Cover - 50% of the loan
4:. Mechanization
In this loan the benificairy will be credited with a Single Obligor Limit - ₦50Million
CRG Cover - 75% of the loan
5:. Large Scale Mechanism
In this loan the benificairy will be credited with a Single Obligor Limit - ₦2Billion
CRG Cover - 50% of the loan
6:. Processors
In this loan the benificairy will be credited with a Single Obligor Limit - ₦2Billion
CRG Cover - 50% of the loan
7:. Intergrated Farm
In this loan the benificairy will be credited with a Single Obligor Limit - ₦2Billion
CRG Cover - 30% of the loan
This Are one for the categories mention for the Nirsal Risk Guarantee Loan.
How To Apply
Interested Applicant Should Apply Via this link.
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