Supervisors and Enumerators training to commence 31 March, 2023
Supervisors and Enumerators training to commence 31 March, 2023
The NPC Adhoc Staff Training for Enumerators and Supervisors recently scheduled to commence on 15th March, 2023 and end on 21st March, 2023 will no longer hold as plannd.
Recall that the National Population Commission had planned to conduct the LGA Level Training on Building Numbering and Household Listing on 15th - 21st March, 2023, and LGA Level Training on Persons Enumeration on 26th - 30th April, 2023.
However, the postponement of the Gubernatorial and House of Assembly Election to 18th March, 2023 has thwarted the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Training schedule, as it now falls within the election period.
The Independent National Electoral Commission on Wednesday rescheduled the Guber/House of Assembly Election, which was ealier slated on 11th March, 2023, on the ground that the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal (EPT) had delayed the reconfiguration of the Bimodal Voters Accreditation System (BVAS). Hence, it needed more time to complete the process.
The NPC when contacted stated that the Enumerators and Supervisors Adhoc Staff Training has been rescheduled to commence on 31st March, 2023.
According to the NPC, Refereshers (Virtual Training) for State Level Facilitators and Specialised WorkForce commences on 27th March, 2023 and ends on 29th March, 2023.
LGA Level Training on Building Numbering and Household Listing will be conducted between 31st March, 2023 and 6th April, 2023.
Also, LGA Level Training on Persons Enumeration will be conducted from 25th April, 2023 - 29th April, 2023.
Census Night is on 2nd May, 2023.
Enumeration of Persons will commence on 3rd May, 2023 and ends on 7th May, 2023.
Horar da ma'aikatan wucin gadi da hukumar kidaya zata aiwatar da masu sa ido kwanan nan da aka tsara za a fara daga ranar 15 ga Maris, 2023 zuwa ƙare a ranar 21 ga Maris, 2023 ba za ta ci gaba da zama kamar yadda aka tsara ba.
Ku tuna cewa hukumar kidaya ta kasa ta shirya gudanar da horon matakin karamar karamar hukumar kan gina lambobi da jerin sunayen gidaje a ranakun 15-21 ga Maris, 2023, da horas da matakin karamar hukumar kan kididdigar mutane a ranar 26-30 ga Afrilu, 2023.
Sai dai dage zaben gwamnoni da na 'yan majalisar dokoki zuwa ranar 18 ga Maris, 2023, ya kawo cikas ga jadawalin horas da ma'aikatan wudin gadi na hukumar saboda a yanzu ya zo cikin lokacin zabe.
A ranar Laraba ne Hukumar Zabe Mai Zaman Kanta ta Kasa ta sake dage gudanar da zaben Gwamna/Majalisar Wakilai, wanda aka shirya tun ranar 11 ga Maris, 2023, bisa hujjar cewa kotun sauraron kararrakin zaben shugaban kasa (EPT) ta jinkirta sake fasalin tsarin tantance masu kada kuri’a (BVAS) ). Don haka, yana buƙatar ƙarin lokaci don kammala aikin.
NPC da aka tuntube ta ta bayyana cewa an sake sanya ranar horas da ma’aikatan ta Enumerators da Supervisors zuwa ranar 31 ga Maris, 2023.
A cewar NPC, Masu Neman Koyarwa (Tsarin Horarwa) don Masu Gudanar da Matsayi na Jiha da Ƙwararru na Musamman yana farawa daga 27 ga Maris, 2023 kuma ya ƙare a ranar 29 ga Maris, 2023.
Za a gudanar da horon matakin matakin LGA akan Ƙirar Gine-gine da Lissafin Gida tsakanin 31 ga Maris, 2023 da 6 ga Afrilu, 2023.
Hakanan, za a gudanar da horon matakin matakin LGA akan ƙidayar mutane daga 25 ga Afrilu, 2023 - 29 ga Afrilu, 2023.
Daren ƙidayar jama'a yana ranar 2 ga Mayu, 2023.
Ƙididdigar mutane za ta fara ranar 3 ga Mayu, 2023 kuma ta ƙare a ranar 7 ga Mayu, 2023.
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