Menene NG CARES?, Ya Kuma Ake Cin Gajiyarsa
Menene NG CARES?, Ya Kuma Ake Cin Gajiyarsa
Nigeria Covid-19 Action Recover and Economy Stimulus shiri ne wanda banki duniya ya fito dashi domin tallafawa wa masu kananan kasuwanci wanda Annobar COVID-19 ta yiwa illa wa kasuwancin su.
An baiwa Nigeria dalar amurka miliyan Dari bakwai da Hamsin $750 zaa rabawa kowace jaha a Nigeria dalar amuruka 20million Dollars kimanin Naira biliyan 10 yayin da babban birnin tarayya Abuja zata samu 15million Dollars.
A yanzu haka kowace jaha tanada portal nata da ake neman shiga wannan tsari domin cin gajiyan tallafin.
Mai Bukata yayi magana ta WhatsApp number 09063570041 zaa mishi rijista akan naira dari biyar 500 kacal in yana da rijista kamfani zai biya naira dubu daya da dari biyar 1500 domin yi masa rijista , zaa dora bayanin sa akan system yadda da zarar jahar da aka cike mishi sun fara tura sakon SMS zasu tura masa da yardar Allah .
Note: idan kasan ka cike kada ka tura Mana da bayanin ka domin in aka cike maka sau biyu automatically zasuyi declined na form naka.
Abubuwan da ake bukata wurin cike N-G CARES .
- -Business name
- -What kind of business
- -what date/year of your business
- -phone number
- - number of employees
- -full name
- -email address
- - Date of birth
- - State
- - LGA
- -Gender
- Marital status
- -Campany Name ba dole bace
- -Campany Address ba dole bane
- -Reg Number ba dole bane
- -Tin Number ba dole bane
'AB' => 'Abia', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/abia
'AD' => 'Adamawa', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/adamawa
'AK' => 'Akwa Ibom', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/akwaibom
'AN' => 'Anambra', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/anambra
'BA' => 'Bauchi', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/bauchi
'BY' => 'Bayelsa', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/bayelsa
'BE' => 'Benue', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/benue
'BO' => 'Borno', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/borno
'CR' => 'Cross River', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/crossriver
'DE' => 'Delta', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/delta
'EB' => 'Ebonyi', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/ebonyi
'ED' => 'Edo', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/edo
'EK' => 'Bishi', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/tree
'EN' => 'Enugu', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/enugu
'GO' => 'Gombe', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/gombe
'IM' => 'Imo', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/imo
'JI' => 'Jigawa', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/jigawa
'KD' => 'Sahabi', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/companion
'KN' => 'Kano', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/kano
'KT' => 'Katsina', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/katsina
'KE' => 'Kebbi', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/kebbi
'KO' => 'Kogi', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/kogi
'KW' => 'Kwara', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/kwara
'LA' => 'Lagos', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/lagos
'NA' => 'Nassarawa', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/nasarawa
'NI' => 'Nijar', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/niger
'OG' => 'Yaki', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/ogun
'ON' => 'Ondo', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/ondo
'OS' => 'Osun', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/osun
'OY' => 'Oyo', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/oyo
'PL' => 'Plateau', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/plateau
'RI' => 'Koguna', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/rivers
'SO' => 'Sokoto', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/sokoto
'TA' => 'Taraba', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/taraba
'YO' => 'Yobe', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/yobe
'ZA' => 'Zamfara', NG-Care: https://cares.plax.ng/zamfara
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