NPC Application Status: Why Your Application Status is Showing "Pending"
NPC Application Status: Why Your Application Status is Showing "Pending"
Looking forward to your question, "Why Application Status"PENDING", My Application Status is Showing Pending," your question becomes subject of the matter due to the fact that we are here to direct you on how to solve this issue, but before we go any further, have you applied for a job at the National Population Commission (NPC) and your application status is showing as "pending"? If yes, you are not alone. www.haskenews.com.ng is here for you to direct you on how to solve the problem
If you have been wondering why your Application Status in the NPC portal is still showing pending while some people have been approved in the same LGA; here are a few things that might be going on:
1. As you all know, the portal has been under pressure for the past two weeks. They might have approved your application, but the congestion isn’t allowing it to show in the portal. You need to give it some time before concluding that you were not shortlisted.
2. The essence of the screening was to select the best candidate. That you were screened is not a guarantee that you’ll be approved for training. So if your status is showing pending, it could be that you were not selected.
3. Another reason could be that more people applied than the quota needed. If you notice, not everybody was sent text messages for screening. It was a measure used to decimate the number of applicants.
4. Some states are still screening and uploading names.
How to Recheck Your Application Status
Noted: The only browser that will allow you to is Phoenix browser
i. Step 1: Click on the link address https://2023censusadhocrecruitment.nationalpopulation.gov.ng you can copy the link address and paste it into the Phoenix Browser
ii. Step 2: Press on Check "Application Status"
iii. Step 3: "Enter Your Application Code" or NIN Number in the space provided
iv. Step 4: Press on "PROCEED" give some minutes to load due to network
v. Step 5: Checkout "Application Status: which among Pending or Approved"
vi. Step 6: if Application Status was "Approved" press on Submit Bank Details
vii. Step 7: Enter your Account Number, Select Account Type & Select Bank Name.
Good job, I can't join your what's app it says is full. Please any idea to become CBN E NAIRA AGENT.
ReplyDeletePlease when is the training for inec adhoc staff commencing
ReplyDeleteHow does this article address the headline
ReplyDeletePlease why I'm seeing pending
ReplyDeletePlease why I'm seeing pending after checking my application status
ReplyDeleteWhy my app.status still pending?
ReplyDeleteWhy iam seeing pendig while checking my application id npc-ce-785984849256
ReplyDeleteWhy my application on npc still pending 4438939834
ReplyDeletePls my own is still showing pending what we I do
DeleteMine is still pending. NPC-CE-3281760258
ReplyDeletePlease I’ve input my acct details what is the next step
ReplyDeleteMy npc is still showing pending till now NPC-CE-7012147568
ReplyDeleteMine is still showing pending
ReplyDeleteIf checking the status and it is pending and not approved what is the solution to turn it approved.
ReplyDeleteMine is I should retry access code : 14192512870 what can I do
ReplyDeleteAccess-code:NPC-CE-9401365292 pls help me
ReplyDeleteI Abdurrashid Abubakar s. From nigeria kano my NPC is still showing pending sir NPC - CE - 135637142