FMARDSPACE/ AFJP: Masu kidayar Manoman FMARDSPACE/ AFJP Za'a Fara Biyan Kuɗinsu Mako Mai Zuwa
FMARDSPACE/ AFJP: Masu kidayar Manoman FMARDSPACE/ AFJP Za'a Fara Biyan Kuɗinsu Mako Mai Zuwa
Lamari ne nai nasara tsakanin masu ƙidayar Fmardpace da mai kula da AFJP waɗanda suka sadu don tattauna batutuwan da ke kan iyaka da Fmardpace Enumerators da AFJP Farmers tare da wasu batutuwan da suka daɗe. Taron ya kai ga cikar nasara yayin da ofishin babban akawu na tarayya ya shirya don kashe makudan kudade ga manoma da masu kidaya. "Ana sa ran biyan masu yin lissafin kowane lokaci daga mako mai zuwa kamar yadda yake a babban ofishin akawun don bayarwa" Sanarwa Daga PRAR FMARDSPACE/ AFJP, Satumba 09/2021 “
A Halartar Akwai Shugaban kungiyar Coordinator na shiyya daga jihar bauchi Wakilin jihar Nasarawa Wakilin FCT Wakilin jihar Kano Wakilin jihar Plateau Kuma ma'aikatan tallafawa AFJP guda biyu ciki har da mai gudanar da ayyuka na kasa Dr. Andrew kwasari. “Shugaban, a matsayin Abdulkarim Abubakar Adamu ya fara ne tare da gabatar da ƙungiyar jagoranci da ke halarta tare da gabatar da korafin da ke tafe da ke buƙatar kulawa ta gaggawa ga mai gudanarwa na ƙasa.
1. Jinkirta biyan masu yin lissafin gaba ɗaya a cikin ingancin matakin na biyu da kuma wasu daga cikin Ma’aikatan da ba a biya ba a lokacin ingancin matakin farko.
2. Samar da bashin shigar da aikin gona na riba ba tare da tallafin tallafin taki ga manoman da aka lissafa ba
3. Biyan kuɗin aikin motsa jiki na ƙasa
4. Shigar da Ƙididdiga a matsayin ma'aikatan faɗaɗa ta ma'aikatar noma da raya karkara.
Cikakken Rahaton Tattaunawa Cikin Harshen Turanci
In response to the above complaints;
“The National coordinator of the AFJP project welcomes the leadership and appreciates their effort on spending both their time, energy, and resources on behalf of other Enumerators nationwide.
He moved by presenting evidence of letters forwarded to the accountant general office for payment, including the list of our fellow enumerators and their bio-data with the amount to pay for the validated surveys.,
From the information gotten he has been trying his best to ensure both the farmers and Enumerators are fully paid and the project is implemented the way it was planned
He added by saying, the interest of other people is what is sabotaging his effort and causing the delays because there are a lot of petitions at EFCC that no Enumeration was carried out across the nation.
He said, only he and the Enumerators can defend this. He lamented that, instead of the Enumerators to defend that Enumeration took place in their respective communities and states so that both the farmers and the Enumerators will be provided with their funds, some of the Enumerators are busy on media platforms contributing to those that are sabotaging the effort made.
The Enumerators in doing this keep addressing them with different sort of names and trying to tarnish their images (if you can recall back, months back our programs managers from the various states were been invited by EFCC to answer petition regard to the project) so this is what is actually causing the delay.,
But payment of (Enumerators entitlement) is expected any moment from next week as it’s in the accountant general office for disbursement
With regard to the Provision of the zero interest agricultural input loan and the fertilizer subsidy grant to the Enumerated farmers, on this, we don’t have a fixed time or date, as of before the agreement was made on sharing risk formula between CBN and Unity bank is (CBN70%: unity bank 30%) later on, a lot of complaints were raised by those sabotaging the project that the farmers will eventually not pay for the loan.
This made CBN decide to change the risk-sharing formulae to be (50:50) and the unity bank refused to agree, so about 15billion+ is at unity bank waiting for the agreement between the two parties, therefore for both the zero interest agricultural input loan and the fertilizer subsidy grant have no time to be disbursed until an agreement is arrived at and all the petition in EFCC are proved negative.
Soil sampling exercise will also be paid as far as your master trainer has submitted your name including the total number of samples collected because, the letter has passed the AFJP office to the Director extension at the ministry and permanent secretary of the ministry for approval to the accountant general office, and this is also expected to be done on or before the end of the month.
See Npower Physical Verification To Last For A Week: NASIMS Gives Update
With regard to the engagement of Enumerators as extension workers the national coordinator said he has no answers due to the threats on different media platforms they are seeing from our fellow Enumerators, he said he is not ready to involve himself in it again he will just do his best to ensure our entitlements are paid.,
But there are a lot of opportunities coming up from different private and international NGOs requesting extension workers from them”
Yours in Nation-building
National P.R.O Fmardpace Enumerators
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