Bama Bukatar Sisi A Wajan Masu Cin Gajiyar Shirin Sabon Rance Kuma Duk Wanda Ya Tambayeka Kuɗi Dan Damfarane - Cewar NIRSAL Microfinance Bank Limited
Bama Bukatar Sisi A Wajan Masu Cin Gajiyar Shirin Sabon Rance Kuma Duk Wanda Ya Tambeka Kuɗi Dan Damfarane - Cewar NIRSAL Microfinance Bank Limited
Bankin Microfinance na Nirsal ya gargadi masu cin gajiyar shirin rance marar kuɗin ruwa game da 'Yan damfara dake turawa jama'a sakon karya inda suke cewa jama'a da atura masu kuɗi kuma suke amfani da Sunasu.
Jawabin Nirsal Microfinance Bank Cikin Harshen Turanci
Fraudsters Conducting Fake Recruitment Using Our Name. Find our disclaimer below.
Thank you. #nmfbcares
It has come to the attention of the Management of NIRSAL Microfinance Bank Limited that some suspected fraudsters have been issuing spurious letters of employment to unsuspecting members of the public in exchange for pecuniary benefits.
This is to warn the general public to cease and desist from issuing any financial or non-financial consideration to any person(s) whomsoever, in exchange for purported employment with the bank.
Please be informed that NIRSAL Microfinance Bank Limited would never request for payment of any fees, commission or other financial commitment by whatsoever description from prospective employees.
The Bank's employment process is open, transparent and in accordance with recognised industry best practices.
Thank you.
NIRSAL MFB Management
Hoton Jawabin Nirsal Microfinance Bank
Allah ya tsaremu kuma ya karemu daga sharrin yan damfara
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